The map above is a map of Pennsylvania, the state where Sweet was recruited. The map to the left is Alleghany, the county were Sweet was recruited.
Pennsylvania is known for its steel production, which was a helpful push during WWII. Pennsylvania's steel mills manufactured one third of the United States' steel supply. One steel manufacturer called Bethlehem Steel in Pennsylvania was operating from 1863-1995. At the start of the war Bethlehem Steel employed 13,055 people but by 1943 they employed 31,523 people. The picture below is the steel plant producing goods for the war. After Pearl Harbor was bombed Bethlehem Steel had $1.3 billion in orders to make things like bomb casings, armor piercing shells, gun forgings, airplane parts (shown in the pin on the right), and war ships. They made all the parts for the engines in the Navy planes as well as the parts as well as parts for the Army Corps Bombers, and forgings for submarines air flasks. In total, they produced 1,127 ships for WWII.
The photo above and to the right show some of the production of Bethlehem Steel during the war. The photo on the top right is a pin that was made to support Bethlehem, a steel factory in Pennsylvania that mass produced goods for the war.
Pennsylvania, during World War II, was a major producer of milk, eggs, and fruits (peaches, grapes, cherries, and apples). They also produced hay, corn, mushrooms, and Christmas trees. Although the soldiers did not have Christmas off, the civilians celebrating would decorate the trees in old newspaper into paper chains, and greenery like holly. There were other things produced like wheat, tobacco, and potatoes.
In 1940, there was the first peacetime draft by passing the Selective Training and Service Act that required men between the ages on 21 and 35 to register for the military. So like other places in the United States, young men would be required to enlist in the military in recruitment centers that were located in cities (like Pittsburgh where Sweet was recruited).